Quantum LEAP Ambassadors
IMOD laboratories at 11 academic institutions nationwide are pursuing the understanding and synthesis of new photonic materials, integration of these materials into devices, and their use in quantum computing. Researchers include Ph.D. scientists, graduate students and undergraduate students. IMOD is committed to broadening participation in STEM, and encouraging students to consider careers related to quantum science.
One of the central programs in these efforts is the Quantum Learning Engagement Ambassadors Program (LEAP). Through this program our members can engage with audiences through a range of different mechanisms.
Virtual Meet a Scientist
Meet a Scientist
Sign Up Form
Available Immediately!
Schedule a LEAP ambassador from chemistry, physics or computer engineering to speak to your class about the future of quantum computing and the materials that enable it. Our volunteer speakers can talk about a specific topic they have prepared, or simply have an interactive Q&A session about what higher education in STEM is all about. We can use conferencing software of your choice.
Schedule a LEAP ambassador from chemistry, physics or computer engineering to speak to your class about the future of quantum computing and the materials that enable it. Our volunteer speakers can talk about a specific topic they have prepared, or simply have an interactive Q&A session about what higher education in STEM is all about. We can use conferencing software of your choice.
Teachers, here is how to invite a Quantum LEAP Ambassador:
- Sign up with the online form. Be sure to specify any specific topics you would like to cover
- You will be contacted by our outreach team to arrange a time and platform, and provide them with the link if we are using your platform.
- You may be contacted by the presenter to confirm the details and to focus their presentation or activity on your particular curriculum.
- Prepare your students with any background science that you think will be delivered by the presenter. Have them think ahead about questions they would like to ask.
- Introduce the IMOD ambassador and remind the class about how this relates to them.
Classroom Visits
Availability based on COVID-19 restrictions
Invite a Quantum LEAP ambassador to visit your classroom or an exhibit at your school STEM fair. This is available locally (max 1 hr drive) from our participating universities. They could lead a demonstration at a School STEM fair, lead a classroom hands-on activity or simply provide your students with a chance to meet a scientist and hear about their research career.
Research Lab Tour or Workshop
Availability based on COVID-19 restrictions
Quantum LEAP ambassadors can lead a tour or workshop at, or near their labs. Some labs have limitations on minors entering the lab but can arrange a presentation and building tour. This kind of experience can provide valuable insight for future quantum scientists about what research looks like at leading academic institutions.
Incorporate Quantum Science into your classroom
Available now!
Download a quantum/optoelectronics related lesson plan that utilizes inexpensive tools and materials that can be ordered online. Quantum LEAP ambassadors can be invited to attend the lesson and support delivery. Head on over to our Educational Resources page to access videos, lesson plans and much more!