Meetings and Conferences
IMOD members are taking part in cutting-edge research across a range of scientific fields, including chemistry, physics, and electrical engineering. The Center encourages its members to present on our discoveries and findings broadly at international conferences and meetings. This includes presentations, posters, and occasionally organizing and hosting seminars.
Check out some of the recent conference and meeting activities from Center members below.
Looks out for IMOD members at the next conference you are at! Come and say hello!
Recent Meetings and Conferences News

2024 IMOD Annual Meeting

2024-Q2: IMOD at MRS

2023 Hawthorne Symposium

40+ Years of Colloidal Semiconductor Quantum Dots: Part, Present and Future

IMOD Connecting at ABRCMS 2023

IMOD at SACNAS 2023 Conference

IMOD at NOBCChE 2023 in New Orleans

2023 IMOD Annual Meeting

NaNaX10: Nanoscience with Nanocrystals

IMOD Presenting at the MicroLED Industry Association

2022 REU Graduate Catherine La Riviere Wins Poster Award at 2023 Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics