IMOD OMS^3 Application is open! Deadline is 03/15, 2025

IMOD Community

Welcome to the NSF Center for Integration of Modern Optoelectronic Materials on Demand (IMOD), a pioneering Science and Technology Center (STC) funded by the NSF. Our center is a hub for collaboration, bringing together leading minds from diverse scientific and engineering disciplines to tackle large-scale challenges that no individual could solve alone.

At IMOD, we believe in the transformative power of collaboration. By fostering a convergence research community, we create an environment where learning from one another leads to the development of novel ideas and innovative approaches in optoelectronics research. Our center thrives on curiosity, celebrates diverse perspectives, and is dedicated to nurturing our researchers to become translational team players.

IMOD is larger than a single team. At more than 100 members, including faculty, senior scientists, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and staff members, we are what is technically known as a multi-team system, or a team-of-teams. What that means is that we have a thriving community of researchers who can participate across a dynamic range of teams. While this provides an excellent forum for the development of a scientist or engineer, this also requires some work, members need keep up with all of the great work that is going on. We also must foster a climate of excitement around the IMOD endeavor.

Our initiatives in research, outreach, and education are built on a foundation of shared understanding and are seamlessly integrated across our member institutions. The collaboration among chemists, chemical engineers, physicists, and electrical engineers necessitates the creation of a common language, promoting the exchange of concepts and ideas.

The collaborative ethos of IMOD extends beyond our internal community to include industrial partners and external educational institutions. We are proud to collaborate with UC Merced, Fort Lewis College, and Norfolk State University through two Partnerships for Research and Education in Materials (PREM) programs.

IMOD’s approach is rooted in the best practices of Team Science, fostering a research environment that values effective communication, the embrace of new ideas, and the support of all our members. Our Professional Development Program equips trainees with the skills needed to excel as team members and to build strong mentorship networks, the foundational building blocks of a successful research community. Find out more about how you can be involved in pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in optoelectronics research and engagement.

Check out some of the IMOD Community-Related Programs:

Integrative Travel Fund

Integrative Travel Fund

Meetings and Conferences

Meetings and Conferences

Multi-Mentoring Networks

Multi-Mentoring Networks

OMS^3 Course

OMS^3 Course

Professional Development Program

Professional Development Program

Research Experience for Undergraduates

Research Experience for Undergraduates