In May we will welcome the 2023 IMOD REU cohort at labs throughout the center. These students represent the future scientists of tomorrow. This summer they will explore what that future may look like by participating in the exciting and cutting-edge research that is being performed within IMOD. Over the summer, they will not only participate in research, but also network with center members, engage in social activities, and be afforded opportunities for professional development. They are excited by the opportunity, and we’re excited to have them with us!

If you have an IMOD REU student at your institution, please make sure to introduce yourself and help us welcome these future scientists for a great summer of learning and fun!


REU Student Home Institution REU Lab
Qarsim Aslam Merced College Cossairt Lab, U Washington
Hannah Even Princeton University Rappe Group, U Penn
Jackson Gilliland University of Central Florida Ginger Lab, U Washington
Amisha Jain Amherst College Gamelin Lab, U Washington
Owen Nettles University of Notre Dame Fu Lab, U Washington
Maxim Sokolov Sierra College Correa-Baena Lab, Georgia Tech
Veronica Sorokun Cornell University Owen lab, Columbia
Matthew Stempel Bucknell University Kanatzidis Lab, Northwestern University