Cherie Kagan
Faculty | Research Thrust 2 Lead
Kagan Group
University of Pennsylvania
The Kagan group’s research is focused on studying the chemical and physical properties of nanostructured materials and in integrating materials with optical, electrical, magnetic, mechanical, and thermal properties for (multi-)functional devices. We combine the flexibility of chemistry and bottom-up assembly with top-down fabrication techniques to design materials and devices. We explore the properties of materials and measure the characteristics of devices using spatially- and temporally-resolved optical spectroscopies, AC and DC electrical techniques, electrochemistry, scanning probe and electron microscopies, and analytical measurements.

Cherie Kagan's IMOD Activities

2024 IMOD Annual Meeting

2024 IMOD Annual Meeting

2024 OMS^3 Course

2024 OMS^3 Course

Nanodiamond Emulsions for Enhanced Quantum Sensing and Click-Chemistry Conjugation

Nanodiamond Emulsions for Enhanced Quantum Sensing and Click-Chemistry Conjugation

Chemically Driven Sintering of Colloidal Cu Nanocrystals for Multiscale Electronic and Optical Devices

Chemically Driven Sintering of Colloidal Cu Nanocrystals for Multiscale Electronic and Optical Devices

Porous Magneto-Fluorescent Superparticles by Rapid Emulsion Densification

Porous Magneto-Fluorescent Superparticles by Rapid Emulsion Densification

One-pot heat-up synthesis of short-wavelength infrared, colloidal InAs quantum dots

One-pot heat-up synthesis of short-wavelength infrared, colloidal InAs quantum dots

Dynamic Nanocrystal Superlattices with Thermally Triggerable Lubricating Ligands

Dynamic Nanocrystal Superlattices with Thermally Triggerable Lubricating Ligands

40+ Years of Colloidal Semiconductor Quantum Dots: Part, Present and Future

40+ Years of Colloidal Semiconductor Quantum Dots: Part, Present and Future

Current Kagan Group IMOD Members

Kagan Group IMOD Alumni