IMOD REU Application Information

Details about the program and the application process can be found below. Read through what is needed for the application so you have a clear idea of the information you need to gather and how long it might take.

Please dont hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns that are not covered below.


Program Details

Program Dates:

May  – August annually (specific dates vary by location)

Application Open:

November 1, 2024

Application Deadline:

February 1, 2025


  • Applicants must be a U.S. citizens or permanent resident.
  • Students must be 18 years old by the beginning of the REU start date.

Note: This program prioritizes students from non-IMOD partnering locations who have completed one or two years of  college


Up to $7,000 (or $700/week)

Travel & Housing:

  • Non-local students will be provided with up to $600 travel allowance
  • Participants will receive on-campus housing or a housing allowance if required
  • Participants will receive a modest food allowance in addition to the stipend

Research Focus:

Optoelectronic devices that generate, sense, and control light underpin the modern information-technology era. As society is increasingly reliant on such devices, the study of optoelectronics enables new technologies ranging from ubiquitous sensors and photorealistic virtual reality displays to quantum-based information technologies. Often these advance rely on the synthesis of highly precise materials and the integration of different materials into functional optoelectronic devices and systems. IMOD is developing new classes of optoelectronic materials, devices, and systems with research projects in a broad range of disciplines that REU students can choose from, including the areas of chemistry, physics, materials science & engineering, and electrical & computer engineering.

Application Components:

  • Personal Statement
    • Up to 750 words
    • Prompt: Address why you are interested in participating in the IMOD REU and how this experience will impact you personally and professionally.
  • Inclusivity Statement
    • Up to 750 words
    • Prompt: Address the importance of diverse and inclusive research environments, and how you plan to foster such an environment in your personal and professional life.
  • Names and contact information for two references
    • Note: References do not have to be faculty, but can include mentors or others who can speak to your education, skills, or potential. References cannot include family.
  • Lab Host Choices (3)
    • Note: Please rank your choices and indicate why you want to work with this lab
  • Unofficial transcript(s)
  • Resume/CV (optional) 

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Resources & Information

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Video

Reference Letters

Maximizing Internships

Personal Statement

After Internships