IMOD Preprints

Listed below are the IMOD Pre-Prints. You can also check out our published articles on the IMOD Publications page. 

Near-Visible Topological Edge States in a Silicon Nitride Platform

Near-Visible Topological Edge States in a Silicon Nitride Platform

Preprint: Arxiv

Dynamic control of 2D non-Hermitian photonic corner states in synthetic dimensions

Dynamic control of 2D non-Hermitian photonic corner states in synthetic dimensions

Preprint: Arxiv

Observation of topological frequency combs

Observation of topological frequency combs

Preprint: Arxiv

Ligand Steric Profile Tunes the Reactivity of Indium Phosphide Clusters

Ligand Steric Profile Tunes the Reactivity of Indium Phosphide Clusters

Prepreint: ChemRxiv

Navigating the Potential Energy Surface of CdSe Magic-Sized Clusters: Synthesis and Interconversion of Atomically Precise Nanocrystal Polymorphs

Navigating the Potential Energy Surface of CdSe Magic-Sized Clusters: Synthesis and Interconversion of Atomically Precise Nanocrystal Polymorphs

Preprint: ChemRxiv

Chiral Optical Nano-Cavity with Atomically Thin Mirrors

Chiral Optical Nano-Cavity with Atomically Thin Mirrors


Optical pumping of electronic quantum Hall states with vortex light

Optical pumping of electronic quantum Hall states with vortex light

Preprint: Arxiv

Design Rules for Obtaining Narrow Luminescence from Semiconductors Made in Solution

Design Rules for Obtaining Narrow Luminescence from Semiconductors Made in Solution

Preprint: ChemRxiv

Deterministic Quantum Light Arrays from Giant Silica-Shelled Quantum Dots

Deterministic Quantum Light Arrays from Giant Silica-Shelled Quantum Dots

Preprint: ChemRxiv

Colloidal, Room-Temperature Growth of Metal Oxide Shells on InP Quantum Dots

Colloidal, Room-Temperature Growth of Metal Oxide Shells on InP Quantum Dots

Preprint: ChemRxiv

Topological Edge Model Tapering

Topological Edge Model Tapering

Preprint: ArXiv:2206.07056

Optical conductivity and orbital magnetization of Floquet vortex states

Optical conductivity and orbital magnetization of Floquet vortex states

Preprint: ArXiv:2204.09488