Educational Resources

Education is central to IMOD’s mission to create diverse, agile, and well-rounded future generations of scientists and engineers. These efforts include multiple perspectives, from training our community members, to connecting with a wide range of public audiences. We aim to spark curiosity and excitement around optoelectronics and quantum research. We hope to support and train participants to be leaders in this exciting interdisciplinary space.

IMOD members support multiple educational initiatives, with a portfolio of programs that disseminate the cutting-edge research being done in the Center across a range of channels to a broad cross-section of audiences. We train our members to be skilled scientific communicators, well versed in interpersonal skills, and the dynamics of teamwork. In turn, our members support the development of materials and resources that breakdown the core concepts that underpin our research and provide easy access to these important principles.

Check out the range of materials that we have made available below. Please note, we are in the process of updating sections of the IMOD website, one of which will be to make this a more searchable and accessible space in the near future (Check back soon!).

We have made all the materials free, and open to anyone interested. We only ask that you complete the form linked on the right (When you complete it, you will receive an email with information on how to access the resources). We would like to collect the names and contact details of folks interested in using this. We won’t share your information with anyone else. We will be sending email notifications about new materials in the future and asking for feedback on the materials. We do this to help refine our efforts. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Get access to the materials now!

K-12 Education Materials

Teaching materials that connect light, energy, and real-world challenges that optoelectronics research is working to solve.

The IMOD community is working with educators to develop a series of lessons and activities to support student sensemaking around light, energy, and matter to explain real-world, consequential applications of optoelectronics.

The activities are sequentially organized around a complex, consequential, and puzzling phenomenon so that students can engage in ongoing sensemaking, where students figure out how and why the world around them works, reflecting the ongoing work of actual scientists and engineers. The lessons are designed to work together and are written for middle school science classrooms. We have also included suggested modifications to scaffold activities for younger grades, for more advanced classrooms, or for informal contexts.

To access all 18 lessons of Unit 1: Light & Matter, usable as a whole unit, or as standalone lessons, complete the form linked at the top of this page, access instructions will be sent by email.

  • Explore all 18 lessons and activities from Unit 1: Light and Matter by reviewing the Activity Menu
  • Download a full sample activity “Glowing Paper” complete with teacher guides, PowerPoints, and student handouts ready to go!
  • Interested in more? Complete the form at the top of this page to get full and free access to all materials.
  • Please reach out if you have comments, questions, or would like to connect with IMOD.

Quantum Information Science and Engineering Course

IMOD is providing access to a recently developed course that covers the core concepts of Quantum Information Science and Engineering (QISE). The aim is to support the development of Quantum curriculums across the nation.

A defining feature of this course is that it is developed and delivered by chemists and materials scientists at a level to educate graduate student chemists and materials scientists.

The goal is to bridge the gap from physics to chemistry, computer science & engineering, electrical & computer engineering, and materials science & engineering.

The course introduces participants to core concepts, including mathematical and quantum mechanical foundations, qubits, coherence, entanglement, applications, and materials systems.

This course was originally developed as part of the curriculum for the UW Accelerating Quantum-Enabled Technologies (AQET) program. AQET is a National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Program (NRT) at the University of Washington that seeks to train the next generation of scientists and engineers to enable this revolution.

  • Watch recordings of the 2023 delivery of this course. 20 videos, each between 25-45 minutes long, covering the entire course. 
  • Get full access to the lecture slides and notes. 
  • You can directly access samples of the slides and notes from Lecture 1. If you would like to see more, complete the form at the top of this page to get free and full access to the materials.