Community Engagement Group (CEG)
The IMOD Community Engagement Group (CEG) is an organization of IMOD’s current graduate students and postdocs. A primary goal of the CEG is to build community between trainees within and across the different IMOD sites. This is accomplished by planning social events, hosting regular trainees meetings, and supporting collaboration amongst the trainees.
The CEG also works to ensure that the trainee’s accomplishments are recognized, needs are met, and professional growth is supported. At monthly all-hands meetings, the CEG team leads “shout-outs” that highlight the outstanding work of trainees that are nominated and selected by regional representatives. The CEG leaders represent the trainees voice and perspective to IMOD’s management and staff, and assist with identifying needs for different programs across the IMOD portfolio, such as the Professional Development Program, Center Outreach and partnerships with external stakeholders, such as industrial scientists.
Any IMOD trainee is welcome to contribute to the CEG as a member, a regional representative, or CEG leadership. If you would like to find out more about being involved in the CEG, please contact one of the current CEG members listed below.