IMOD Trainees Visit Colorado State University, Pueblo, Encouraging Research Involvement and Pursuing a PhD
Ben Hammel (Dukovic Lab; CU Boulder), Dylan Ladd (Toney Lab; CU Boulder), and 2 other graduate students visited Colorado State University, Pueblo (CSU Pueblo) to raise awareness about paid academic research opportunities. They highlighted a new Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program in materials science at the University of Colorado Boulder, as well as the IMOD REU Program. They also described their experiences post-undergrad working in industry, at national labs, and going straight into a PhD program.
One specific goal of this visit was to highlight that pursuing a PhD is a paid position with tuition covered. During an open Q&A, the panelists answered questions on the benefits and hardships of pursuing a PhD, transitioning from an industry position to a PhD, and post-grad aspirations.
Undergraduates, graduate students, and even high schoolers can all do research and get paid, as the flyer for this event emphasized. During this event, the panelists emphasized the unique life experiences and professional development offered from research. They described the benefits of participating in the REU program, which provides a stipend, housing, and community of fellow undergraduate researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder and at many of the REU sites across the country.