40+ Years of Colloidal Semiconductor Quantum Dots: Past, Present and Future
In November 2023 IMOD hosted a panel discussion revolving around the discussion of colloidal semiconductor quantum dots, their past, present, and future. The panelists were three IMOD faculty members, all of whom are former members of groups that were awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Gordana Dukovic (CU Boulder, Brus Group), Cherie Kagan (U Penn, Bawendi Group), and Chris Murray (U Penn, Bawendi Group).
The panel discussion, which was attended by over 50 participants, from IMOD and more broadly, provided an opportunity for questions and anecdotes about their time in the lab. Answering questions about how they approached new problems, how they addressed the unknown, and how they explored and developed new ideas, the panelists gave some insight to how these groups worked and some discussion around how today’s students can explore research challenges.
Thank you to Gordana, Cherie and Chris for building such a thoughtful and inspiring discussion, and David Ginger for hosting the event