IMOD Quantum Education Portal

The IMOD Community creates a range of educational materials aimed to be accessible at a range of different knowledge levels and interests. This is your one-stop-shop for learning more about Quantum concepts and technologies. Interested in learning more about core concepts, or finding out how you can educate students on the importance of this field of enginerring? We’ve got you!

Use our Resource Description page to find out more about the different offerings. This page provides details on the anticipated audience knowledge levels, the topics we cover, and what is offered in each resource. We also include a link for you to provide feedback – we would love to hear from you about how you used the resource, any feedback you have on how they can be refined, or even ideas on future optoelectronics resources.

Are you an advanced student or a professional looking to brush up on Quantum ideas and how they connect to what you are working on? Great – you are in the right place. Use the filters and navigation below to search out topics and resources available to you.

Check back often! We will be posting more resources as our community develops them. Better yet, follow us on our social media channels, where we will post updates and news of new resources.

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IMOD Educational Resources

Black Boxes

Black Boxes

Manipulating Light Lesson

Manipulating Light Lesson

Modeling Light as a Wave

Modeling Light as a Wave

Making Light with LEDs

Making Light with LEDs

Light, Energy, & the UbiGro Tarp Unit

Light, Energy, & the UbiGro Tarp Unit