2024 REU Cohort

In May of 2024 we will be welcoming the new cohort of IMOD REU students at labs throughout the Center. These students were selected from a competitive pool of applicants looking to explore quantum sciences and optoelectronics research, and they will spend the summer working on projects that will not only advance their knowledge and understanding, but provide valuable insight into the graduate research experience, helping them to make future career decisions.

Over the summer the IMOD REU cohort will participate in research, network with Center members across the United States, attend wide ranging research discussions and seminars, build relationships through social activities and connect through professional development training.

If an IMOD student is being hosted at your institution, please make sure to introduce yourself and help us welcome these future scientists for a great summer of learning, growth, and fun.


REU Student Home Institution REU Host Lab
Leo Benevedes Wagner College Gamelin Lab, University of Washington
Becca MacGillvray Southern Utah University Fu Lab, University of Washington
Tess Mantineo The College of Wooster Menon Lab, CUNY
Angelica Morgano Slippery Rock University Reichmanis Lab, Lehigh University
Kevin Perez-Haro Yakima Valley College Ginger Lab, University of Washington
Alejandro Ramirez Arizona State University Marder Lab, CU Boulder
Jediah Thomas Howard University Cossairt Lab, University of Washington